Ph: 00 353 1 8999009 Or 00 353 863061830
"A New standard in quality childcare for parents in Dublin "
The children from age 2 till 5 and A Half year old in our care are encouraged to learn through their direct experience in an environment that is safe, stimulating and provides a sensible balance between a flexible and structured routine.
Montessori is a teaching methodology inspired and devised by Dr. Maria Montessori. Daisy incorporates Montessori methodology and equipment into its pre school educational programme.
"Montessori" is not a system for training children in academic studies but a method of observing and following the interests of children, and continually adapting the environment from which they learn, by means of experimentation and research, what they need to know in order to contribute to society and the environment, and to become fulfilled persons in their particular time and place on Earth. Lessons are not given to groups of children, but to one child at a time, by teaching staff. Children enjoy respected choice and uninterrupted concentration. During this time they are allowed to focus and make progress on work/play of their own choice, with materials to which they have been introduced by the adult. This daily period of meditation and focus, of concentration on purposeful activity involving the mind and body working together, results in feelings of satisfaction, peace, and love toward others, and a high level of progress in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual development. It is the key element in a true Montessori school.
Maria Montessori, born in 1870. She worked in the fields of psychiatry, education and anthropology. She believed that each child is born with a unique potential to be revealed, rather than as a "blank slate" waiting to be written upon. Her main contributions to the work of those of us raising and educating children are in these areas: In the 1940's, inspired by the amazing potential of children realized in the early years, Dr. Montessori stated that age six was too late to begin to support the work and development of children. In 1947 the Montessori Assistants to pre school program was begun in Rome. This was a 3-year, full-time program which is still taught today in several countries.

Welcome To Daisy Montessori

Daisy Montessori is a provider of quality Early Years Education for Pre Montessori and Montessori. The welfare of the children placed in our care and their parents’ peace of mind is at all times our primary concern.
At Daisy we recognize a child’s first educator is the parent. We value the contribution parents have in supporting their child’s learning at home. To ensure that you and your child are getting the most Daisy’s Early Years REACH program, we like to encourage two - way communication in a variety of different ways.
You are welcome to come in at any time of the day to visit your child. You will receive feedback from us as you drop off or collect your child and daily written reports in you’re “My Day At Daisy” book which enables you to keep constantly informed of your child’s daily activities and progress in learning and development.
All of our staff have nationally recognized qualifications FETAC Level 8 (degree). Each member of staff has achieved a Pediatric First Aid qualification with regular refresher courses scheduled.
ECCE 2024 -2025 CALENDAR and NCS calendar 2022-2023.
This program is open from 29/08/2022 to 26/06/2023. We will be closed on the following dates:
22/08/2022 - 26/08/2022, 31/10/2022 - 04/11/2022, 23/12/2022, 26/12/2022 - 30/12/2022, 02/01/2023 - 04/01/2023, 06/02/2023 - 07/02/2023,
13/02/2023 - 17/02/2023, 17/03/2023, 10/04/2023 - 14/04/2023, 17/04/2023 - 21/04/2023, 01/05/2023, 05/06/2023, 27/06/2023
This Calendar has been registered on the EYP system.
Fees including ECCE (3 free hours if 38weeks)
Fee excluding ECCE
Morning Session(8:45AM to 11:45) - 5 Days - €80 per week for 15 hours a week.
Afternoon Session(12:00AM to 15:00) - 5 Days - €80 per week for 15 hours a week.
Deposit: €75 will be required to secure the place for ECCE child, deposit will be refunded in October
Discount: We are not giving discount and no optional extra
NCS will able deduct from this fee (For more infomation please check www.ncs.gov.ie).

Free ECCE Pre School Scheme
About Us:

Contact Us:
2 St. Mochta's Chase, Clonsilla, Dublin 15.
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 3:00pm
For more information or to arrange a tour, please contact Aga at the following:
Phone: 353 1 8999009, Mobile: 086 3061830